Monday 24 March 2014

Australian Porn Sandcastles

Months have passed and while the team has been madly working on Australian Porn I'v become a bit lazy so no new posts. To tell the truth Iv been giving the beers a bit of a push. Its a trap living where I do. I go in the morning for bread and milk bump into friends and next thing I know I'm staggering home completely of chops or sneaking out of some chicks unit before she wakes in the morning . But Eddie-e is back!

During my drunken stupor I visited the sand sculpturing contest on the beach front here on the Gold Coast. Fuck me have these guys got some talent. Its amazing what they can do. It fascinates me watching them work.. Brings back memories of being a kid with my bucket and spade on the beach building sandcastles. Always right beside the hot chick sun baking tits out of cause. We start early up here on the Coast. Whats a day at the beach without suntans G-bangers and tits of all shapes and sizes.

I think it was a fairy tail theme this year. Got to love the Troll. Reminds me of me after a big night out at the clubs.

After watching intensely for the week of the competition it started to bring out the creative side in me. These guys use a special type of sand but living on the beach I thought fuck it . The sand is free so ill head to the beach and create my masterpiece for all to see and admire.

After some careful planing and contemplating I devised a design in my head. I think its always better to stick to what you know best. I don't know much about anything but porn. Excited, I headed to the beach on a hot Sundays afternoon and with some help from a friend I created my masterpiece. What do you guys think? Has Eddie-e got talent or what! Maybe next year i will enter that competition.